Today I was extremely uncomfortable. The T-Shirt I wore was to big therefore the padding kept slipping down and my towel was happily traveling down my legs every ten minutes. I decided to eat cereal for the first time this week and ended up failing terribly cause my stomach didn't allow me to reach over the bowl.
Comments were made about how easy it must be for me to get dressed in the morning, but no one asked what an inconvience it is carrying around a padded stomach and a towel, which is covering a revealling Speedo. I stopped at the service station this morning only to be welcomed with laughter. Did I expect anything less.
Personally it feels really strange being padded. I'm a slim build by structure and I actually never thought of the discomfort some over weight individuals go through. My peers have made comments about forgetting what I look like and its true. This afternoon I was eating a sandwich and actually for a second thought twice as to whether or not I actually needed to eating when I looked at myself. According to Sussie Orbach there is a certain amount of unhappiness that comes with slimness, but I'm sure there is an unhappiness that follows obesity as well (Orbach, 2008:100)
I'm still trying to disconnect from the outside world purley out of embarressment. Sooner or later its time to step out to see reactions.
Attempting to Eat Cereal at 6:05 am on the 16/03/2011
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